Organizational psychology is a discipline that uses research tactics, principles, and psychological sciences to solve problems in the workplace and improve working conditions. Companies hire organizational psychologists because they are assets that enhance productivity and employee satisfaction. This discipline mainly focuses on workplace needs and specific individual behaviors in order to address their concerns. By collecting different perspectives, the company will be able to get the best out of its workforce. Employers should therefore hire qualified consultants in this area to boost company efficiency.
Area of focus by organizational psychologists
Organizational psychologists have their work cut out and mainly focus on the bigger picture. If you are a stakeholder and you feel you are not getting everything out of your workers, you definitely need a specialist to help you in the areas listed below.
Work-life balance
Organizational psychologists develop work-life balance programs when workers are unhappy or stressed. These programs help employees to balance work and personal issues to make them productive. They also help reduce burnout and turnover rates while boosting morale and commitment.
Employee satisfaction
Among the responsibilities of organizational psychologists is to study attitudes and employee behavior to establish whether they are satisfied. Stakeholders will use the results of their analysis to initiate changes that make workers happy. A conducive environment makes employees more productive and engaged in their duties.
Reduced job stress
This discipline examines how businesses operate and how workers function. Specialists here provide suggestions on managerial aspects and company practices likely to bring up job stress. They may also suggest measures to deal with stress depending on the causes as established by their analysis. Remember that stress is a major impediment that stands in the way of company objectives. A stressed workforce cannot generate any meaningful results as it will convert most of its energy into complaints.
Techniques of organizational psychology
The success of a business depends on the general mental state of the workforce, which is why companies spend resources to hire organizational psychologists to support this cause. These are trained personnel with relevant skills to handle employees. To qualify for this job, you must have a master’s degree in psychology, although you can increase your leverage by pursuing a doctor of business administration online course, like the one offered by Aston University. With this qualification, you are considered ahead of other applicants because the course is superior.
Below are some techniques used by organizational psychologists in business.
This is a test conducted by an organizational psychologist, and it is also known as MBTI. It classifies an individual as one of 16 personality types to give them a broader view of the world and help them understand why they make certain decisions. Myers-Briggs may be a popular test, but it is associated with some controversies because it does not produce similar results when you repeat the test several times. The main reason for this is that subjective views are considered, and each psychologist has some bias toward certain employee characteristics.
Predictive index (PI)
The predictive index is a personality parameter based on self-report measurements and theories in the workplace. It was developed for use in organizational populations. PI is specifically used in the human resource department, including team building, performance coaching, succession planning, leadership development, and more. Organizational psychologists deploy this technique to enhance understanding of individual employee strengths, reduce staff turnover and boost employee engagement. The PI test comprises a free choice response format where you choose responses that you feel best describe you.
Five-factor model of personality
This model organizes personality traits in a hierarchy that includes five dimensions: extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience. Organizational psychologists research behavior using personality-based questionnaires to understand various cultures. Individual workers come from different backgrounds, and their behavior could be influenced by their cultures. For instance, highly extraverted workers are social as opposed to quiet and reserved individuals. Agreeable workers are humble and polite, unlike rude and antagonistic individuals. Psychologists use the five-factor model to harmonize a workforce that speaks one language despite these disparities.
DISC assessment
This technique uses communication styles in the work environment and guides employees in understanding how to get along and communicate effectively. DISC is an acronym that stands for Dominance, influence, steadiness, and conscientiousness. This model is anchored on a common language for people to understand themselves better and those around them. With this knowledge, employees can improve working relationships and minimize conflicts.
Occupational interest inventories (OII)
OII is a career guidance tool that relies on 12 dimensions of occupational interest. Psychologists use it to find more information about the career interests of workers. The assessment will be compared against other jobs in the industry to find common ground for the workers. The psychologist may then recommend changes to management, who will then implement them to create more desirable working conditions. These tests are performed randomly to sustain a fruitful organization with happy employees. If workers understand their roles and assignments, they will not leave the organization for better terms elsewhere. They will also be willing to take up new roles when management delegates to them.
Situational judgment tests (SJTs)
SJTs are simulated circumstances that are designed to look like a real occurrence of what the company anticipates in the future. Psychologists use these simulations to gauge how workers would react if they were caught in such situations. Depending on individual reactions, you can tell whether they are prepared to serve customers or not. After identifying the flaws, you will then confront and try to solve them.
The business environment is dynamic, with companies running different activities simultaneously. Some businesses offer services, while others sell products. The techniques will therefore differ from one organization to the other. While one test will suit a particular organization, it may completely fail to apply in another. Companies need to hire organizational psychologists to help them analyze personality test results. Without the help of an expert, that can lead to misunderstandings and controversy. Reach out to a professional who will guide you in disseminating information to your workforce.