The definition of an email marketing campaign could be seen as basic and straightforward where one email (or a series of emails) is sent to achieve a specific goal for the marketer. However, what tips and tricks should you be using to ensure a great campaign? In the following points, you’ll learn a couple of these from an Account Manage working in an e-commerce email marketing agency.
Subject Line
The subject line is the first thing a subscriber is going to see when your email hits their inbox. It’ll either make or break your campaign. No opens mean no clicks, and no clicks mean no conversions.
You need to draw people in, add a little mystery, and entice them to click to learn more. A good subject line has a few things:
- It’s short and sharp. You have precious little time to work with, so get straight to the point.
- It’s on-brand. Don’t completely sacrifice your voice and tone.
- It’s creative – original subject lines get more open. Never be stale!
A few of our most highly clicked subject lines:
- “{{ first_name|default:’friend’ }} Open This For…”
- “About Our Last Email… 🎁”
- “(1) New Offer From [clients name]”
- “You’re Bacon Me Crazy 🥓😋”
While some might shy away from certain words like ‘free’ because they think this will get their email caught in spam filters, these fears are largely baseless. Modern spam filters are a little more sophisticated and focus more on your domain reputation than your phrasing.
Design For Mobile First and Then Desktop
Now that you’ve attracted eyes to your campaign, it’s time to think about what they’ll see when opening the email. Important to consider how people are going to be viewing it. According to emailmonday, statistics show that 56% of eCommerce emails are opened on mobile. Since a big part of your customers will use this device to view your email on a small screen you’ll want to design the campaign to suit it.
Many email marketing platforms allow you to customize your campaigns with responsive layouts that ensure they look great on all devices. But even when using these, you need to design with mobile users at the forefront of your mind. Any scrolling a desktop user has to do will be increased by orders of magnitude for a mobile user. Keep campaigns short and sharp.
These days we can do a lot more with personalization than just auto-fill a subscriber’s name. Investing in a professional email marketing platform like Klaviyo will allow your business to do a lot more with campaigns. By syncing data from other sources, such as your website analytics, online store, and more, you’re able to personalize emails on a far more powerful level. For example, suggesting products that will compliment a customer’s last purchase, or targeting discount codes only to subscribers who need a little extra push over the line.
Incentives – Offers
Most campaigns rely on some sort of an offer to help incentivize customers to buy. With modern software, these too can be customized. For example, single-use discounts are now possible with Shopify, allowing to create a custom discount code for each subscriber, which can then only be used once. This stops exclusive discounts from running viral or having them featured on coupon websites. Offers don’t always have to be in the form of discounts. You can also offer free shipping, package deals, or more.
Call To Action (CTA)
A solid call to action is considered the last piece of the puzzle. These are small pieces of content in the form of a link or a button that directly stimulates the viewer to do something like: return them to their abandoned shopping cart, take them to the website, fill in a survey, or show them a new product.
Creating a great email campaign is a matter of organization and planning with time and according to a previously established marketing strategy, here are 7 Types of Email Campaigns You Can Add to Your Content Strategy. These tips and tricks are basic steps to consider when needed, but if you need an expert on this don’t hesitate on contacting us to leverage your overall strategy and convert like never before.